The Cross Section Podcast

Welcome to Season 1 of “The Cross Section” podcast with me, your host, Drew Coleman. As a cyclist and filmmaker and photographer, this is a new creative outlet for me and one that I am very excited about. I think one of the takeaways of 2020 is just how much I miss the people in my life and fostering those relationships so this seemed like a natural progression. I was kind of down in the dumps in the early winter and I missed everyone. I had been flirting with a podcast for quite some time and I decided to just go for it. I do make any claims that I know what I’m doing. It’s just me and friends hanging out, sometimes drinking a beer.

For Season 1, which will include only 10 - 15 episodes, I want to simply bring you into the chats I would have with these folks anyway. These are the conversations I would have on any given day. This is a show where my goal is to hang out with athletes, artists, musicians, friends and other interesting people and just follow the conversation wherever it leads and I thought, maybe, you might be interested in what we explore.

If you are interested in sponsoring to help offset the hosting costs, I’d be stoked. Thanks so much for being here and downloading if you did.